What Is A Baby Bottle Drive?
This is a fun, easy way for people, (even children), to help women, men and families in unexpected pregnancies. Participants take a baby bottle home and fill it with spare change, cash or checks and then return it to the church or directly to the Pregnancy
Center. Bottles go out and come back!
5 Easy Steps
1. Date It: Select a start and end date that works for you. Most campaigns are 3-4 weeks
2. Plan It: Decide how you would like to kick off the campaign- with a Pregnancy Center speaker (8-10 minutes), a video (3 minutes & provided by the Pregnancy Center) or with your ideas.
3. Prepare It- Let the Pregnancy Center know how many bottles and bulletin inserts you expect to need. The Pregnancy Center will drop off these items ahead of your campaign along with items for a small display table.
4. Run it: Start the campaign and see what the Lord will do to bless you and your church in this effort for the most vulnerable among us.
5. Share It: Wrap up your campaign and get ready to share the results.
Return the bottles or call us and we will pick them up. Within a few weeks of your campaign, the Pregnancy Center will let you know how much was raised by your church so you can share the results with your flock!
We would be so grateful for your support!
Call or email us to set up your Baby Bottle Drive
Phone: 541-772-1921
Email: info@thepregnancycenter.us